2013. február 26., kedd

kernel-TSM v1.09.2 /Galaxy Nexus/

slukk Galaxy Nexus JB 4.2.2 kernel (nem jó más JB verzióhoz!!)

base: kernel-TSM v1.07.2

Removed CPU OC freq: 1.42, 1.53, 1.68, 1.72, 1.76, 1.8 GHz
"VDD_CORE_OPP100_UV" core freq. changed
Default Scheduler = sio
define VM_MAX_READAHEAD = 768 /* kbytes */
NTFS debugging support
NTFS write support

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 24., vasárnap

JellyB-TSM 18.5 /Galaxy Nexus/

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 18

Fixed Launcher FC
Add "more" keys to ALL the keys" to LatinIME
Make keyboard hints a better visible
LatinIME: Enable more keys for top row on tablets
Show current and new version in install dialog
AwesomeAction: Performance update
Fixed Messages settings FC
Apollo updated
CMFileManager updated

Goo Manager

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 23., szombat

JellyB-TSM 18 /Nexus 7/

A ROM stock kinézettel indul!

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 17

Android base: 4.2.2_r1 (JDQ39)
CRT screen on/off animations
Lockscreen Targets: Icon Revamp
PowerUsage: show more apps in battery statistics (10 > 15)
Enable Torch configuration (Nexus S)
New Transparency control
Added Quick unlock
Do not show some options if don't have hardware keys
Updated PIE
Updated PIE functions (center, last app)
Added Gapps 4.2.2 JDQ39 2-15-2013

Ajánlott kernel:
kernel-TSM v1.08.5 /Nexus 7/

Goo Manager
Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

JellyB-TSM 18 /Galaxy Nexus/

A ROM stock kinézettel indul!

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 17

Android base: 4.2.2_r1 (JDQ39)
CRT screen on/off animations
Lockscreen Targets: Icon Revamp
PowerUsage: show more apps in battery statistics (10 > 15)
Enable Torch configuration (Nexus S)
New Transparency control
Added Quick unlock
Do not show some options if don't have hardware keys
Updated PIE
Updated PIE functions (center, last app)
Added Gapps 4.2.2 JDQ39 2-15-2013

Goo Manager

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 22., péntek

kernel-TSM v1.08.5 /Nexus 7/

slukk Nexus 7 JB 4.2 kernel 

base: kernel-TSM v1.05.5

Fixed crash when unplugging OTG devices.

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 12., kedd

kernel-TSM v1.07.2 /Galaxy Nexus/

slukk Galaxy Nexus JB 4.2.2 kernel (nem jó más JB verzióhoz!!)

base: kernel-TSM v1.05.3

Frissítve 4.2.2 JB verzióhoz

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

OTA_JDQ39-TSM /Galaxy Nexus/

Telepíthető Recovery-ből.
Telepítés után megmarad a Recovery.
Radio rom-ot nem tartalmaz a zip!



su a SuperSU-ból
busybox a BusyBox Free-vel
Radio a GetRIL-el

1. wipe data/factory reset
2. wipe cache, wipe dalvik-cache
3. zip file telepítése
4. újraindítás 2x

1. wipe cache, wipe dalvik-cache
2. zip file telepítése
3. újraindítás 2x

Nandroid backup mentés!

md5:  649fd8d1ef16d275cc4cc0b482e4a4fb

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 10., vasárnap

JellyB-TSM 17 /Nexus S/

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 16

Build with Linaro 4.7.3 2013.01-1~dev
Merged android-4.2.1_r1.2 (JOP40G)
Fix crespo chipset info
Fix maguro chipset info
Settings/storage FC fix
keyguard: fix layout for 320dp devices
Added Don't wake up device when charger is plugged/unplugged
Custom bootanimation fix
<<<<Bionic patch V2>>>>
Added TSM Settings again
Added Volume key cursor control
Added PIE
Added PIE themeable via Theme Chooser
Added About TSM
Added Per-App DPI settings
Added GooManager
Live Wallpaper fix
Added hardware key functions

Goo Manager

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 8., péntek

JellyB-TSM 17 /Nexus 4/

thx: forintuser

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 16

Build with Linaro 4.7.3 2013.01-1~dev
Merged android-4.2.1_r1.2 (JOP40G)
Fix crespo chipset info
Fix maguro chipset info
Settings/storage FC fix
keyguard: fix layout for 320dp devices
Added Don't wake up device when charger is plugged/unplugged
Custom bootanimation fix
<<<<Bionic patch V2>>>>
Added TSM Settings again
Added Volume key cursor control
Added PIE
Added PIE themeable via Theme Chooser
Added About TSM
Added Per-App DPI settings
Added GooManager
Live Wallpaper fix
Added hardvare key functions

Gapps-et nem tartalmazza a ROM!

Goo Manager
Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

JellyB-TSM 17 /Nexus 7/

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 16

Build with Linaro 4.7.3 2013.01-1~dev
Merged android-4.2.1_r1.2 (JOP40G)
Fix crespo chipset info
Fix maguro chipset info
Settings/storage FC fix
keyguard: fix layout for 320dp devices
Added Don't wake up device when charger is plugged/unplugged
Custom bootanimation fix
<<<<Bionic patch V2>>>>
Added TSM Settings again
Added Volume key cursor control
Added PIE
Added PIE themeable via Theme Chooser
Added About TSM
Added Per-App DPI settings
Added GooManager
Live Wallpaper fix
Added hardvare key functions

Ajánlott kernel:
kernel-TSM v1.05.5 /Nexus 7/

Goo Manager
Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

App Remover

App Remover

Verzió: 2.7.0
Dátum: 2013.02.06

Előző verzió és leírás megtekintéséhez katt ide!


Google Apps lite: Letöltés

JellyB-TSM 17 /Galaxy Nexus/

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 16

Build with Linaro 4.7.3 2013.01-1~dev
Merged android-4.2.1_r1.2 (JOP40G)
Fix crespo chipset info
Fix maguro chipset info
Settings/storage FC fix
keyguard: fix layout for 320dp devices
Added Don't wake up device when charger is plugged/unplugged
Custom bootanimation fix
<<<<Bionic patch V2>>>>
Added TSM Settings again
Added Volume key cursor control
Added PIE
Added PIE themeable via Theme Chooser
Added About TSM
Added Per-App DPI settings
Added GooManager
Live Wallpaper fix
Added hardware key functions

Goo Manager

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 3., vasárnap

JellyB-TSM 16 /Nexus 4/

4.2.1_r1.2 (JOP40G)
thx: forintuser

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 15

 - Add Call statistics to Contacts (Phone)
 - Updated T9 string to Dialer (cs, da, ja, zh)
 - Stop background Thread in Phone app
 - Add Russian T9 Buttons
 - Fix dialpad image for korean.
 - Fix Hebrew Numeber4 Image
Add chipset info to hardware info
Hide Adb Notification icon (settings)
New custom bootanimation code
Added GB style alternate Signal Layout
Added fast toggle preference
SystemUI: simpler RAM bar implementation
QuickSettings: enable theming of user label
Rewrite Status Bar & Nav Bar Transparency
Changed default statusbar & navbar background color
SystemUI: fix GPS toggle not changing states properly
Don't wake the screen for media playback KeyEvents
SystemUI: HSPA+ Support
Services: Adding HSPAP
Show H+/4G for HSPAP
Telephony: Add LTE all variant
CMFileManager updated
Apollo updated
Remove LockClock
 - Longpress on minimized challenge to unlock
 - Start lockscreen with minimized challenge
 - Option to hide initial page hints
 - Optional to use Carousel animation
Remove TSM Settings
Added navbar menu arrow keys
redefine Long press back to kill
SystemUI: show date on 2 lines in status bar
Remove FastCharge toggle
Allow User select Tablet Mode (Phone, Tablet, Phablet)
Added Gapps 20121212 (Gnex & Nexus 7)
Updated Nexus S kernel (marmite v7.3 CM)
Added AROMA installer (Nexus 7)

Gapps-et nem tartalmazza a ROM!

Goo Manager
Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 2., szombat

kernel-TSM v1.05.5 /Nexus 7/

slukk Nexus 7 JB 4.2 kernel 


Asus\Nvidia\Google Linux 3.1.10 base
All stock features are supported (camera, OTG, NFC etc.)
Build with Linaro 4.7.3 2013.01-1~dev toolchain
Compiler optimizations (-O2)
Supports Android Jellybean 4.2.x
I/O Scheduler: Deadline, Noop, Row, Cfq, Sio, VR
Governors: Interactive, Performance, Ondemond, Conservative, PegasusQ
Variable GPU OC: 416-700 MHz (def. 446)
TCP Congestion Control: Westwood+, H-TCP, High Speed TCP, Hybla, Vegas, Scalable, Low Priority, Veno, YeAH, Illinois, Cubic, Reno, Bic
Available CPU freq: 51, 102, 204, 370, 475, 620, 760, 910, 1150, 1300
Available CPU OC freq: 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700
Undervolt interface
Set LZO kernel compression (info: http://planet.linaro.org/tag/boot%20time/)
Modules build-in kernel
Custom Voltage control
initramfs - insecure
fsync sysfs enable/disable switch (defaults to fsync enabled)
Support init.d scripts
Update to interactive > interactive + NVIDIA patch

Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!

2013. február 1., péntek

JellyB-TSM 16 /Nexus S/

Több kép

Base: JellyB-TSM 15

 - Add Call statistics to Contacts (Phone)
 - Updated T9 string to Dialer (cs, da, ja, zh)
 - Stop background Thread in Phone app
 - Add Russian T9 Buttons
 - Fix dialpad image for korean.
 - Fix Hebrew Numeber4 Image
Add chipset info to hardware info
Hide Adb Notification icon (settings)
New custom bootanimation code
Added GB style alternate Signal Layout
Added fast toggle preference
SystemUI: simpler RAM bar implementation
QuickSettings: enable theming of user label
Rewrite Status Bar & Nav Bar Transparency
Changed default statusbar & navbar background color
SystemUI: fix GPS toggle not changing states properly
Don't wake the screen for media playback KeyEvents
SystemUI: HSPA+ Support
Services: Adding HSPAP
Show H+/4G for HSPAP
Telephony: Add LTE all variant
CMFileManager updated
Apollo updated
Remove LockClock
 - Longpress on minimized challenge to unlock
 - Start lockscreen with minimized challenge
 - Option to hide initial page hints
 - Optional to use Carousel animation
Remove TSM Settings
Added navbar menu arrow keys
redefine Long press back to kill
SystemUI: show date on 2 lines in status bar
Remove FastCharge toggle
Allow User select Tablet Mode (Phone, Tablet, Phablet)
Added Gapps 20121212 (Gnex & Nexus 7)
Updated Nexus S kernel (marmite v7.3 CM)
Added AROMA installer (Nexus 7)

Goo Manager
Ha tetszik a munkám, kérlek támogass. Köszönöm!